Lianne Bantjes is a reading and literacy specialist, offering remedial tutoring in English for children and adults who want to further develop their reading & literacy skills.
She believes that a supportive & nurturing environment encourages the development of self-confidence and improves self-esteem, which is the foundation for learning.
Meet your Reading Therapist here.

Lianne helps children who :
- struggle to read at grade level
- have been identified by their teacher as being ‘at risk’ because not being able to read puts them at risk of failing further down the line
- are failing English as a subject at school
- read mechanically but need to read for meaning
- struggle with other subjects, including Mathematics, because of their inability to read for meaning
- who want to cope better with the amount of reading expected of them when they reach high school
- who speak English as a second or third language
Remedial Reading Therapist
Johannesburg Sandton
What is literacy?
To read up about what the term ‘literacy’ means today and why it is so important, click HERE (Article – ‘What is literacy?)
What Reading Therapy does:
- Moves the individual from learning to read through to reading to learn
- Increases the chance of ALL subject marks improving
- Improves self-confidence
- Develops positive self-esteem
- Reading becomes enjoyable rather than a chore and the child now reads for pleasure
- Schoolwork & homework is completed faster, accurately & with greater independence
- Children experience greater success & are therefore motivated to study further
- Children cope better in high school and with the demands of tertiary education
For more information about what Lianne offers, CLICK HERE.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss
To explore working with Lianne face-to-face in Parkmore (Sandton, Johannesburg), contact her for a consultation to discuss how she can assist you.